Preston Wynn
a picture’s worth a thousand words
but looks can be deceiving
we touch them up with photoshop
and seeing’s not believing

Preston And Seniya
I’ve never really been much a taker or collector of photographs.
Seniya, more than makes up for my lack of pictorial interest, however,
so it is only befitting that she appears in this little collection,
for without her there probably wouldn’t be one.
Out And About
This group of pictures I took on trips and walks.
There will hopefully soon be more of this type from Bulgaria.
Preston Clifford Wynn
If you are interested in using any of my music or need to contact me,
click on one of the social icon links below and leave a message.
The site also has links to, SoundCloud, YouTube, and Vimeo.
To the best of my knowledge, all visual items, other than my own, are CC0.
That is how they were presented, on the media websites they are from. and are my main resources.
Thank you for visiting my website.